2013 Toyota Auris Hatchback 15G High Spec Low K's
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92,366 km
- Details
2013 Toyota Auris Hatchback 15G High Spec Low K's
15G High Spec Low K's
Body Type
Weekly Repayment
From $67.88*
92,366 km
Engine Size
Fuel Type
Fuel Consumption
Drive Type
Front Wheel
Carbon Emissions Yearly
Driver Safety Test
Based on 2023 VSRR rating
Stock Number
695 Great South Road, Penrose Auckland 1061
Energy Economy
6.4L / 100km
Annual fuel cost of $2,510
Carbon Emissions
149 grams/km
Overall Safety
Based on 2023 VSRR rating
Driver Safety
These ratings are based on real-world crash data and indicate how likely a vehicle is to protect the driver, its occupants and other road users in a crash.
Seller's Comment
Welcome to AJ MOTORS!
About the Vehicle
This 2013 Toyota Auris 15G High Spec Low K's is in its top condition. The headlights are clear, the paint is shinny and motor purrs nicely.
1496cc Engine paired with Automatic Transmission. Very responsive yet efficient to run.
- Air Conditioning
- All auto windows
- Auto air-condition
- Auto headlight
- Auto Start Stop
- Bluetooth
- Car Alarm
- Central Locking
- Central Locking
- Dual air-condition
- Eco Mode
- Electric Mirrors (Retractable)
- Headlights - LED with automatic levelling
- Keyless entry
- Multi-function steering wheel
- Paddle Gear Shift
- Power window
- Pre crush safety
- Push button start
- Rear Wiper
- Reversing Camera
- Smart key system with front door touch sensors
- Storage - Centre console box
- Traction control
- Wheel Covers
AJ MotorsNot Just Cars, But Values
We are a registered motor vehicle trader (M381928).
We importing from Japan directly.
We are community focused. Quality is our No.1 priority.
Service your Car
Our cars are Selected.
Our cars are Groomed.
Our cars are checked by NZ Compliance.
Our cars come with New Engine Service.
Finance your Car
We will do our best to find the finance package that works for you.
Do you have Dented Credit? Please talk to us.
Do you have Learner's Licence? Please talk to us.
Do you have Overseas Licence? Please talk to us.
Do you have Work Visa? Please talk to us.
Do you have Beneficiary Income? Please talk to us.
*Finance option only available for customers over 18 years old.
Insure your Car
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance available on 12, 24 and 36 month.
Comprehensive Insurance for private and commericial use (Uber & RideShare).
Finance GAP Insurance to protect your assest.
Credit Contract Insurance to protect your lifestyle.
Additional Services
We can arrange Tow Bar.
We can arrange NZ Stereo/GPS Navigation.
We can arrange Reversing Camera.
We can arrange Roof Racks.
We can arrange Mag Wheels.
Do you need door to door delivery? Please talk to us for instant quote.
About the Vehicle
This 2013 Toyota Auris 15G High Spec Low K's is in its top condition. The headlights are clear, the paint is shinny and motor purrs nicely.
1496cc Engine paired with Automatic Transmission. Very responsive yet efficient to run.
- Air Conditioning
- All auto windows
- Auto air-condition
- Auto headlight
- Auto Start Stop
- Bluetooth
- Car Alarm
- Central Locking
- Central Locking
- Dual air-condition
- Eco Mode
- Electric Mirrors (Retractable)
- Headlights - LED with automatic levelling
- Keyless entry
- Multi-function steering wheel
- Paddle Gear Shift
- Power window
- Pre crush safety
- Push button start
- Rear Wiper
- Reversing Camera
- Smart key system with front door touch sensors
- Storage - Centre console box
- Traction control
- Wheel Covers
AJ MotorsNot Just Cars, But Values
We are a registered motor vehicle trader (M381928).
We importing from Japan directly.
We are community focused. Quality is our No.1 priority.
Service your Car
Our cars are Selected.
Our cars are Groomed.
Our cars are checked by NZ Compliance.
Our cars come with New Engine Service.
Finance your Car
We will do our best to find the finance package that works for you.
Do you have Dented Credit? Please talk to us.
Do you have Learner's Licence? Please talk to us.
Do you have Overseas Licence? Please talk to us.
Do you have Work Visa? Please talk to us.
Do you have Beneficiary Income? Please talk to us.
*Finance option only available for customers over 18 years old.
Insure your Car
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance available on 12, 24 and 36 month.
Comprehensive Insurance for private and commericial use (Uber & RideShare).
Finance GAP Insurance to protect your assest.
Credit Contract Insurance to protect your lifestyle.
Additional Services
We can arrange Tow Bar.
We can arrange NZ Stereo/GPS Navigation.
We can arrange Reversing Camera.
We can arrange Roof Racks.
We can arrange Mag Wheels.
Do you need door to door delivery? Please talk to us for instant quote.
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