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2024 Suzuki Jimny 5DR JLX Auto

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700 km


  • Details
2024 Suzuki Jimny 5DR JLX Auto
5DR JLX Auto
Body Type
Weekly Repayment
From $206.26*
Sizzling Red Metallic/BLK Roof
700 km
Engine Size
Fuel Type
Fuel Consumption
Drive Type
Carbon Emissions Yearly
Driver Safety Test
Based on 2024 VSRR rating
Registration / Plate Number
Stock Number

265 Great South Road,,  Greenlane  Auckland  1051



Energy Economy
7.7L / 100km
Annual fuel cost of $3,020

Energy Economy

7.7L / 100km

This vehicle has an estimated fuel cost per year of $3,020. Cost per year is an estimate based on petrol price of $2.80 per litre and an average distance of 14000 km. Emissions and Energy Economy figures standardised to 3P WLTP.

Energy economy information is based on World Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure 3 Phase (3P WLTP) standardised data which allows consumers to directly compare the emissions and energy economy of different vehicle makes and models. Actual figures may vary due to many factors including individual driving styles, traffic and weather conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle maintenance and tyre pressures.

Check out the for more information about energy economy.

Carbon Emissions
179 grams/km

Carbon Emissions

179 grams/km

This vehicle emits an estimated 2.51 tonnes/year of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas based on an average driving distance of 14,000 km per year.

Carbon dioxide emissions information is based on World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure 3 Phase (3P WLTP) standardised data which allows consumers to directly compare the emissions and energy economy of different vehicle makes and models. Actual figures may vary due to many factors including individual driving styles, traffic and weather conditions, vehicle loading, vehicle maintenance and tyre pressures.

Check out the for more information about carbon emissions and energy economy.

Overall Safety
Based on 2024 VSRR rating

Safety Ratings

Safety ratings indicate the likely performance of your vehicle in a crash – the more stars, the safer the vehicle.

Your vehicle will have one of the following vehicle safety ratings:

  • Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP)
  • Used car safety ratings (UCSR)
  • Vehicle safety risk ratings (VSRR)

ANCAP rating

ANCAP ratings are based on lab crash test data and can only be compared to similar vehicles tested under the same protocols (year of rating). ANCAP tests assess adult and child occupant protection, vulnerable road user protection and crash avoidance technology.

UCSR rating

UCSR ratings assess the safety of vehicles already in the market. Ratings are based on real-world crash statistics of this specific make and model. This rating indicates how well the vehicle will protect its occupants and other road users in comparison to all other light vehicles on New Zealand roads.

VSRR rating

VSRR ratings are estimates based on real-world crash statistics of similar vehicles from the same year of manufacture. This rating estimates how well the vehicle will protect its occupants and other road users in comparison to all other light vehicles on New Zealand roads.

Check out the for more information about safety ratings.

Driver Safety
These ratings are based on real-world crash data and indicate how likely a vehicle is to protect the driver, its occupants and other road users in a crash.

Driver Safety

A driver safety rating is based on real-world crash data. It considers how often drivers have been seriously or fatally injured in a crash, when driving a specific make and model. It measures your relative safety driving a vehicle, compared to other vehicles in the New Zealand and Australian fleet. The driver safety rating can be used for all occupants when there are passengers in a vehicle.

Seller's Comment

The All New Jimny JLX 5 Door is here!!
We have limited colours in stock and available for imediate delivery.

Our demo is now for sale.

Grab the family, the friends, the gear and the dog as its even easier to share your big adventures in the new Suzuki Jimny 5-Door. Go wild, and make unforgettable memories with its roomier interior, ALLGRIP PRO 4WD system and off-road maneuverability. And tomorrow, you can do it all over again.

Hold on to your seats, this 4x4 legend is for living life to the full. Featuring Suzuki's proven ALLGRIP PRO 4WD system, full ladder chassis, and generous ground clearance, departure and approach angles, the Jimny 5-Doors four wheel driving capability is off the charts. Before you know it, you'll be on top of the world.

For the urban expedition or journey to the back of beyond, the Jimny 5-Door takes outdoor exploration to a whole new level. With expanded carrying capacity to comfortably take your crew, its authentic ruggedness and easy maneuverability is your key to adventure.

Enjoy an array of features that will make driving the Jimny 5 Door a dream come true, such as
5 speed manual or 4 stage automatic
Low transfer gear
Electronic LSD traction control
Hill hold and hill descent control
LED headlamps with washers
Flared wheel arches and side sill splash guards
Six SRS airbags
Parking sensors
Reverse camera
Dual Sensor Brake Support
Lane departure warning
Weaving alert
Adaptive cruise control (Auto)

You have everything you need inside the Jimny 5-Door. Relax in climate controlled air conditioned comfort. Stay tuned to the beat of adventure with its clever infotainment system featuring a large 9-inch touchscreen with Android Auto and wireless Apple CarPlay.

Take charge with the Suzuki Jimny 5-Doors superbly balanced combination of 4WD capability and light, agile maneuverability. Its capable 1.5L engine generates strong torque over a wide rpm range for powerful off-road performance and impressive fuel efficiency on-road.

* Please check out our website for our full stock list and more vehicles. New Suzuki's, finance promotions and near new demonstrators.

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