2005 Mitsubishi Outlander Wagon
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- Details
2005 Mitsubishi Outlander Wagon
Body Type
Weekly Repayment
From $37.99*
183,623 km
Engine Size
Fuel Type
Fuel Consumption
Drive Type
Carbon Emissions Yearly
Driver Safety Test
Based on 2024 UCSR rating for 06-12 models
Registration / Plate Number
Stock Number
46B Belfast Road, Belfast Canterbury 8051
Energy Economy
9.7L / 100km
Annual fuel cost of $3,800
Carbon Emissions
232 grams/km
Overall Safety
Based on 2024 UCSR rating for 06-12 models
Driver Safety
These ratings are based on real-world crash data and indicate how likely a vehicle is to protect the driver, its occupants and other road users in a crash.
Seller's Comment
0800 Best Deal Cars The most affordable cars in New Zealand.
100% Kiwi owned and operated.
CAR FINANCE SPECIALISTS All our vehicles are eligible for finance. We provide on-the-spot approvals with as little as $0 deposit, competitive rates, low fees, flexible payments, and tailor-made packages to suit your lifestyle. It's that easy.
INSURANCE Avoid the hassle of arranging insurance. We offer competitive and comprehensive insurance on the spot, giving you complete peace of mind. Its really that simple.
MECHANICAL WARRANTY Drive off with peace of mind with our 1, 2, or 3-year mechanical and breakdown warranties.
DELIVERY Not in Christchurch? Not an issue. We can transport your chosen vehicle anywhere in the country. Just ask us how.
TRADE-INS We accept all trade-ins, regardless of age or condition. Whether its from the 1980s or has a bit of character, well buy it.
BUY BACK SCHEME Our buy-back scheme means you can buy any car from our Auckland or Christchurch branch, drive it for up to 120 days, and well buy it back, deducting just 40% of the original purchase price. Terms and conditions apply.
FIND US *** *** Down the driveway behind SkyHigh Scaffold
OPEN 7 days Weekdays 9-5pm SATURDAY - 10am to 4pm SUNDAY - 10am to 4pm
We are Registered Motor Vehicle Trader - M241885
100% Kiwi owned and operated.
CAR FINANCE SPECIALISTS All our vehicles are eligible for finance. We provide on-the-spot approvals with as little as $0 deposit, competitive rates, low fees, flexible payments, and tailor-made packages to suit your lifestyle. It's that easy.
INSURANCE Avoid the hassle of arranging insurance. We offer competitive and comprehensive insurance on the spot, giving you complete peace of mind. Its really that simple.
MECHANICAL WARRANTY Drive off with peace of mind with our 1, 2, or 3-year mechanical and breakdown warranties.
DELIVERY Not in Christchurch? Not an issue. We can transport your chosen vehicle anywhere in the country. Just ask us how.
TRADE-INS We accept all trade-ins, regardless of age or condition. Whether its from the 1980s or has a bit of character, well buy it.
BUY BACK SCHEME Our buy-back scheme means you can buy any car from our Auckland or Christchurch branch, drive it for up to 120 days, and well buy it back, deducting just 40% of the original purchase price. Terms and conditions apply.
FIND US *** *** Down the driveway behind SkyHigh Scaffold
OPEN 7 days Weekdays 9-5pm SATURDAY - 10am to 4pm SUNDAY - 10am to 4pm
We are Registered Motor Vehicle Trader - M241885
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